
src\constants\appHandlers.js File

	                 * Constants used throughout the Open Financial Framework
	                 * @class F2.Constants.AppHandlers
	                 * @static
	                export default {
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( {{#crossLink "F2.AppConfig"}}appConfig{{/crossLink}} )
	                	 * @property APP_MANIFEST_REQUEST_FAIL
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 *	var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 *	F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *		_token,
	                	 *		F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_MANIFEST_REQUEST_FAIL,
	                	 *		function(appConfig)
	                	 *		{
	                	 *			You can use information from the appConfig to surface a custom error message in the dom
	                	 *			Or display some kind of default error placeholder element rather than having a blank spot in the dom
	                	 *		}
	                	 *	);
	                	APP_MANIFEST_REQUEST_FAIL: 'appManifestRequestFail',
	                	 * Identifies the create root method for use in AppHandlers.on/off.
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( {{#crossLink "F2.AppConfig"}}appConfig{{/crossLink}} )
	                	 * @property APP_CREATE_ROOT
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 *	var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 *	F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *		_token,
	                	 *		F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_CREATE_ROOT,
	                	 *		function(appConfig)
	                	 *		{
	                	 *			// If you want to create a custom root. By default F2 uses the app's outermost HTML element.
	                	 *			// the app's html is not available until after the manifest is retrieved so this logic occurs in F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_RENDER
	                	 *			appConfig.root = document.createElement('section');
	                	 *		}
	                	 *	);
	                	APP_CREATE_ROOT: 'appCreateRoot',
	                	 * Identifies the before app render method for use in AppHandlers.on/off.
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( {{#crossLink "F2.AppConfig"}}appConfig{{/crossLink}} )
	                	 * @property APP_RENDER_BEFORE
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 *	var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 *	F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *		_token,
	                	 *		F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_RENDER_BEFORE,
	                	 *		function(appConfig)
	                	 *		{
	                	 *			F2.log(appConfig);
	                	 *		}
	                	 *	);
	                	APP_RENDER_BEFORE: 'appRenderBefore',
	                	 * Identifies the app render method for use in AppHandlers.on/off.
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( {{#crossLink "F2.AppConfig"}}appConfig{{/crossLink}}, [appHtml](../../app-development.html#app-design) )
	                	 * @property APP_RENDER
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 *   var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 *   F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *       _token,
	                	 *       F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_RENDER,
	                	 *       function(appConfig, appHtml)
	                	 *       {
	                	 *           // if no app root is defined use the app's outer most node
	                	 *           if(!appConfig.root)
	                	 *           {
	                	 *               appConfig.root = domify(appHtml);
	                	 *           }
	                	 *           else
	                	 *           {
	                	 *               // append the app html to the root
	                	 *               appConfig.root.appendChild(domify(appHtml));
	                	 *           }
	                	 *           // append the root to the body by default.
	                	 *           document.body.appendChild(appConfig.root);
	                	 *       }
	                	 *   );
	                	APP_RENDER: 'appRender',
	                	 * Identifies the after app render method for use in AppHandlers.on/off.
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( {{#crossLink "F2.AppConfig"}}appConfig{{/crossLink}} )
	                	 * @property APP_RENDER_AFTER
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 *	var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 *	F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *		_token,
	                	 *		F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_RENDER_AFTER,
	                	 *		function(appConfig)
	                	 *		{
	                	 *			F2.log(appConfig);
	                	 *		}
	                	 *	);
	                	APP_RENDER_AFTER: 'appRenderAfter',
	                	 * Identifies the before app destroy method for use in AppHandlers.on/off.
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( appInstance )
	                	 * @property APP_DESTROY_BEFORE
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 *	var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 *	F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *		_token,
	                	 *		F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_DESTROY_BEFORE,
	                	 *		function(appInstance)
	                	 *		{
	                	 *			F2.log(appInstance);
	                	 *		}
	                	 *	);
	                	APP_DESTROY_BEFORE: 'appDestroyBefore',
	                	 * Identifies the app destroy method for use in AppHandlers.on/off.
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( appInstance )
	                	 * @property APP_DESTROY
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 *   var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 *   F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *       _token,
	                	 *       F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_DESTROY,
	                	 *       function(appInstance)
	                	 *       {
	                	 *           // call the apps destroy method, if it has one
	                	 *           if(appInstance && && && typeof( == 'function')
	                	 *           {
	                	 *     ;
	                	 *           }
	                	 *           else if(appInstance && &&
	                	 *           {
	                	 *               F2.log(appInstance.config.appId + ' has a destroy property, but destroy is not of type function and as such will not be executed.');
	                	 *           }
	                	 *           // remove the root
	                	 *           appInstance.config.root.parentNode.removeChild(appInstance.config.root);
	                	 *       }
	                	 *   );
	                	APP_DESTROY: 'appDestroy',
	                	 * Identifies the after app destroy method for use in AppHandlers.on/off.
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( appInstance )
	                	 * @property APP_DESTROY_AFTER
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 *   var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 *   F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *       _token,
	                	 *       F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_DESTROY_AFTER,
	                	 *       function(appInstance)
	                	 *       {
	                	 *           F2.log(appInstance);
	                	 *       }
	                	 *   );
	                	APP_DESTROY_AFTER: 'appDestroyAfter',
	                	 * Identifies the app script load failed method for use in AppHandlers.on/off.
	                	 * When bound using {{#crossLink "F2.AppHandlers/on"}}F2.AppHandlers.on(){{/crossLink}} the listener function passed will receive the
	                	 * following argument(s): ( {{#crossLink "F2.AppConfig"}}appConfig{{/crossLink}}, scriptInfo )
	                	 * @property APP_SCRIPT_LOAD_FAILED
	                	 * @type string
	                	 * @static
	                	 * @final
	                	 * @example
	                	 * var _token = F2.AppHandlers.getToken();
	                	 * F2.AppHandlers.on(
	                	 *     _token,
	                	 *     F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_SCRIPT_LOAD_FAILED,
	                	 *     function(appConfig, scriptInfo) {
	                	 *         F2.log(appConfig.appId);
	                	 *     }
	                	 * );
	                	APP_SCRIPT_LOAD_FAILED: 'appScriptLoadFailed'