
src\classes\appManifest.js File

	                 * The assets needed to render an app on the page
	                 * @class F2.AppManifest
	                export default {
	                	 * The array of {{#crossLink "F2.AppManifest.AppContent"}}{{/crossLink}}
	                	 * objects
	                	 * @property apps
	                	 * @type Array
	                	 * @required
	                	apps: [],
	                	 * Any inline javascript tha should initially be run
	                	 * @property inlineScripts
	                	 * @type Array
	                	 * @optional
	                	inlineScripts: [],
	                	 * Urls to javascript files required by the app
	                	 * @property scripts
	                	 * @type Array
	                	 * @optional
	                	scripts: [],
	                	 * Urls to CSS files required by the app
	                	 * @property styles
	                	 * @type Array
	                	 * @optional
	                	styles: []