
src\classes\app.js File

	                			/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
	                 * The App Class is an optional class that can be namespaced onto the
	                 * {{#crossLink "F2\Apps"}}{{/crossLink}} namespace.  The
	                 * [F2 Docs](../../app-development.html#app-class)
	                 * has more information on the usage of the App Class.
	                 * @class F2.App
	                 * @constructor
	                 * @param {F2.AppConfig} appConfig The F2.AppConfig object for the app
	                 * @param {F2.AppManifest.AppContent} appContent The F2.AppManifest.AppContent
	                 * object
	                 * @param {Element} root The root DOM Element for the app
	                export default function (appConfig, appContent, root) {
	                	return {
	                		 * An optional init function that will automatically be called when
	                		 *{{#crossLink "F2/registerApps"}}F2.registerApps(){{/crossLink}} is called.
	                		 * @method init
	                		 * @optional
	                		init: function () {},
	                		 * An optional destroy function that will automatically be called when
	                		 * {{#crossLink "F2/removeApp"}}F2.removeApp(){{/crossLink}} and subsequently
	                		 * the {{#crossLink "F2.Constants.AppHandlers/APP_DESTROY:property"}}F2.Constants.AppHandlers.APP_DESTROY{{/crossLink}} AppHandler.
	                		 * @method destroy
	                		 * @optional
	                		destroy: function () {}